159 Monroe Street. Prospect, PA 16052
Phone: 724-865-3010; Fax 724-865-2320
Mon-Thurs 8:00am-3:00pm
Fridays 8:00am-2:00pm
159 Monroe Street. Prospect, PA 16052
Phone: 724-865-3010; Fax 724-865-2320
Mon-Thurs 8:00am-3:00pm
Fridays 8:00am-2:00pm
Due to recent events with the corona virus, Prospect Borough sewer payments can be made online, via mail or dropped off at the Borough's mailbox across the road to the building's entrance. Questions or concerns? Please leave a message on the Borough voice mail (724-865-3010) or via email (prospectboro@zoominternet.net) as those communications are currently being monitored.
Sewage rates have increased to $97.50 for the year 2025 and started January 1st. The payments are due by the 15th of each month. Please see below for penalties and late payments.
237-4 Due dates; penalties for late payment:
Ø The sanitary sewage collection, transportation and treatment charges and tap connection charges imposed hereunder shall be due and payable immediately upon receipt of the bill by the owner and/or tenant and shall be paid not later than the due date appearing on the bill. Said charges shall be subject to a 10% penalty if not paid within 15 days from their due date. If not paid within 30 days after said due date, the charge plus the penalty shall bear interest at the rate of 3% per month, or any fraction thereof, until paid.
Please remember to register all your rental properties with the Borough; Forms are available at the Borough office.
168-7 Registration requirements.
Ø No residential landlord shall hereafter occupy, allow to be occupied or let to another person for occupancy any residential leasehold unit and/or property situate within the Borough of Prospect unless said residential landlord notifies the Borough, in writing, within 30 days after occupancy, of the name, address and number of person(s) occupying each specific residential leasehold unit and/or property. The written registration shall contain the following minimum information:
Ø The name, address, and telephone number of the property owner
Ø The name, address, and telephone number of the designated local property manager, if the owner lives outside the Borough and has a property manager
Ø The street address of the residential leasehold unit and/or property; and
Ø The name, address, and place of employment of all tenant(s) and all other occupants of the unit who are 18 years of age or older or who are otherwise employed.
168-8 Registration time period.
Ø The written registration for each residential leasehold unit and/or property shall be filed with the Borough at the Prospect Borough Office by January 31 of each calendar year and then throughout the year whenever there is a change of residential lessees and household occupants as set forth above. All written registrations required by this article shall be forwarded to the Borough within 60 days after enactment hereof for the first year. Landlord registration forms are available at the Prospect Borough Office during regular business hours.
Prospect Borough is looking for ideas and pictures for our 200-year Celebration that will be held the summer of 2025. Please email or drop off and ideas at the Borough building. If you have pictures and would like to share them, please stop by the Borough office and we will take copies of the pictures.
The PA Infrastructure Investment Authority board has approved a change to the Homeowner Septic Replacement Program, expanding the eligibility criteria. Do you qualify?
How to Stay Safe Walking on the Sidewalk, Path, or Road
Please inform the Borough Officers about your call so they know what is happening in the Borough. If the Borough Officers are not on duty, please leave a message at 724-865-2799.
You have questions, we have answers. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we get. Some answers are posted here so everybody benefits.
Did you know that Prospect Borough now has a Facebook page? Please "Like" our page to keep up with future Borough Announcements.
We are a integrated point of contact for individuals and families in need of referrals and resources; helping them to navigate the human services system. Call us at 844-360-4372 or visit our website.
Prospect Borough is a small community of approximately 1200 residents located in Butler County, Pennsylvania just a few minutes from beautiful Moraine State Park. It is home to the "Big Butler Fair" which is located along State Route 422 in Prospect.
We are located only 7 miles from Interstate 79 and are within easy reach to such areas as Pittsburgh, Erie, and the PA Turnpike. The borough is located in the Slippery Rock School District, with Moraine Elementary School on our Main Street. Our local organizations include the Boy Scouts, Woman's Club, and Prospect/Portersville Rotary. We are pleased to have celebrated our 169th year. We have an annual Community Day complete with parade during Memorial Day weekend.
159 Monroe Street, Prospect, Pennsylvania 16052, United States
Phone: (724) 865-3010 and Email: prospectboro@zoominternet.net
Prospect Borough - Copyright © 2025 - All Rights Reserved.