James Butler - Term Ends 12/31/2025
Brian Taylor - Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Vice President
Brandon Grossman - Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Council Members
Sam Wagner - Term Ends: 12/31/2027
Eric Hilliard - Term Ends: 12/31/2027
Tim Lutz - Term Ends: 12/31/2027
Todd Wilson - Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Nick Vaccarello - Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Prospect Borough Secretary(s)
Heather Nyberg - Secretary/
Assistant Treasurer
Cathy Baker - Treasurer
Phone: 724-865-3010
Fax: 724-865-2320
Andrew Menchyk
Tax Collector
Keri Raisley- Term Ends - 12/31/2025
387 Main Street
Box 486
Prospect PA 16052
Hours by appointment only
Call or Text 724-355-7140
Red drop Box located at 387 Main Street drive thru.
Brian Taylor - Chairman
Brandon Grossman - Vice Chairman
Eric Hilliard
Meetings are scheduled as needed
Brian Taylor - Chairman
Eric Hilliard - Vice Chairman
Brandon Grossman
Meetings scheduled as needed
Brian Taylor - Chairman
Sam Wagner - Vice Chairman
Eric Hilliard
Jim Butler (Police Dept Only)
Meetings are scheduled as needed
Alan Vagasky - Chairman
Teddy Davis - Vie Chairman
Gus Guenther - Secretary
George Simcic
Brian Taylor
The Prospect Borough Planning Committee will meet on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00PM as listed. Meetings are held at the Prospect Borough Office.
Brian Taylor - Chairman
Brandon Grossman – Vice Chairman
Jim Butler
Sam Wagner
Meets in October to prepare the budget
Sam Wagner - Chairman
Nick Vaccarello - Vice Chairman
Todd Wilson
Meetings will be the 3rd Wednesday of the month @ 1:30pm at the Library.
Brian Taylor - Chairman
Eric Hilliard - Vice Chairman
Brandon Grossman
Meetings are scheduled as needed.
Sam Wagner- Chairman
Tim Lutz - Vice Chairman
Jim Butler
Meetings are scheduled as needed.
Sam Wagner - Chairman
Tim Lutz - Vice Chairman
Jim Butler
Meetings are scheduled as needed.
Curt Miller
Elijah Hilliard
Bill Katz
Meetings are scheduled as needed.
George Simcic
Josh Reinert
Rick Beardsley
Prospect Borough - Copyright © 2025 - All Rights Reserved.